Frequently Asked Questions

We frequently receive-emails from guests inquiring about various subjects related to different aspects of GID.  We hope that the following FAQ’s and answers may be able to clarify some of the many questions you may have regarding the GID:

What are the pre-requisites of joining GID?

Visit the Directory of Employee Affairs at the GID.  By doing so, one may obtain information on recruiting as well as receive answers to many questions one may have about GID.  Generally, GID recruits should have earned a BS degree from an accredited university or college, be a Jordanian national, have a drug-crime free record, and be committed to good behavioral attributes.  The GID also requires its recruits to take a number of objective tests and are expected to pass an intensive military program that involves physical fitness, weapons, in addition to under stress intellectual and psychological reaction challenges for the purpose of producing high quality intelligence officers that can adapt to various situations.

What are the requirements to obtaining a certificate of good conduct?

We would like to point out that the GID does not obligate any one to obtain this certificate.  However, some Arab and foreign embassies and organizations require this document for visas, work permits and non-residence living permits.

The requirements:  Two personal photo’s (4*6c)

Photocopy of Passport

Stamps (25 piasters worth)

What does the GID staff wear?

The GID staff hold military ranks and are committed to military laws.  However, due to the nature of the job, GIDofficers are required to wear civilian clothing.  Except of course for the departments internal security and protection unit, which are in full Jordanian Armed Forces uniform.

Do other intelligence agencies have sites on the Internet?

Yes, there are a limited number of official intelligence web sites.GID has taken this step in compliance with its democratic process and we hope that we can contribute in changing the common stereotypical impression many people have about intelligence organizations, which is in most cases very far from the truth.